Software Development Lifecycle – FAQs

Software Development Lifecycle – FAQs2024-10-15T08:35:54+00:00
Testing isn’t a priority for our business2024-10-15T08:15:28+00:00

Forgive us if we say that’s a short-sighted attitude. Testing will become a very high priority for your business if you release software and digital products that frustrate customers and constrain their engagement and spending. Put QA into your software development lifecycle early so you’ll catch issues when they’re easy to resolve out of the customer and boardroom spotlight. You’ll avoid major reputational headaches for the business and safeguard your customers’ loyalty.

We have hundreds of issues in backlog – our dev team couldn’t cope with any more2024-10-15T08:15:48+00:00

An overstretched development team can be prone to making more mistakes, which incur costs and lead to even more testing. In our approach to QA, we seek to improve your capacity for dealing with software issues. The test cases we write are clear and simple to follow, even for non-tech people, so it’s easier to prioritise issues and deal with them quickly.

We don’t release new features that often, so why do we need a testing partner?2024-10-15T08:16:08+00:00

Even if you don’t release new features often, the digital access points that people use to experience your website or app are constantly evolving. You need to be sure that everything works when a new browser update goes live or a new mobile OS is released. You need to know how your digital products respond on new devices when they launch.

Our web development partner handles all our testing – why do I need to consider a separate testing provider?2024-10-15T08:16:24+00:00

There’s a risk when you allow developers to ‘mark their own homework’. A fresh set of eyes will catch errors that the web developers won’t see. Independent testing gives you peace of mind that nothing’s been overlooked or hidden.

Why should I outsource testing when I have a QA team in house?2024-10-15T08:17:44+00:00

Outsourcing your testing can bring economies of scale, efficiency and speed. It gives you access to a large variety of testing techniques and resources. If you have a small internal team you may not be able to do the breadth or depth of testing you really need before releasing a digital product. Outsourcing your test may save you money because you can apply the right type of testing at exactly the time you need it, without holding up development. You may be able to perform the testing earlier in the software development lifecycle too. Recruiting experienced testers can be hard. Outsourcing your testing takes that headache away.

What is ‘push and pray’ and what are the risks of the approach?2024-10-15T08:18:32+00:00

Push and pray means a software development team rushes to release a digital product without doing enough testing. They make the product live and hope for the best. The risks are significant. If you don’t look for issues or errors before customers find them, you’ll create a lot of dissatisfaction and potentially lose customers and revenue.

Will website testing disrupt my release schedule?2024-10-15T08:19:34+00:00

Not with Digivante. We work with you to understand your deadlines and constraints and plan our services to meet your targets. Crowdsourced testing can be delivered overnight and at weekends. With our large testing community and efficient techniques, we can carry out extensive testing in a shorter time. It’s not unusual for us to carry out 90 workdays of testing in 3 days, or 5 days of regression testing using traditional testing methods to just 5 hours.