Replatforming a legacy platform for a scalable future
Here at Digivante our monolith legacy platform grew over years and years of organic growth in response to various customer requests and needs. For sure that's a familiar story for many tech-based businesses. But the problem is that over time, documentation and general knowledge of the system fade as key people leave and the ...
Why software testing early will save you money and prevent disasters
The pandemic forced many businesses to scale up their digital presence as they rushed to present their brand in a more positive light, improve the customer experience, and even try to compensate for the loss of revenue incurred from their traditional selling channels. Creating a website or an ecommerce platform from the ground up ...
Digital accessibility: why doing the right thing is good for business
Website and mobile app accessibility has all too often been an afterthought in the development process. But new drivers are emerging that should send accessibility to the top of the corporate agenda. A new compliance benchmark The regulatory landscape on accessibility is changing radically. For public sector organisations, including academic institutions, any website or mobile ...
Improving the customer experience in an increasingly digital world
Greeting a customer coming into a shop and offering advice on the purchase of a product seems a distant memory to many. As the challenging COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to lift, consumer preferences are changing, and new habits are being formed. While this new reality is not surprising to many, the impact of this digital ...
Is digital business acceleration about people transformation?
Hardly a company has been left untouched by the Covid-19 pandemic, forced to adopt new ways of working internally and interacting with customers, overnight. According to Twilio’s Covid-19 Digital Report, the pandemic has accelerated digital business transformation by an average of six years...
Evolving our digital transformation consulting to meet client needs
Covid-19 has accelerated digital transformation by seven years – and Digivante is changing to assist. In this blog, CEO Dan Berry explains why Digivante’s business model, digital transformation consulting and service offering are changing, and what this means for current and future clients. Our clients’ requirements have changed Since we established Digivante nearly nine ...