

The business case for exploratory testing

The highly competitive app market doesn’t take any prisoners. Your app (or website) must meet, and ideally exceed, users’ expectations if it is to earn its place on their devices. Conor Whelan, Chief Executive Officer, explains how Digivante’s holistic approach to exploratory testing supports better pre-release quality at speed. It’s a harsh fact of ...

By |August 19th, 2020|Categories: Business case for..., Exploratory testing|

Finally, some good news for the travel industry?

The Covid-19 crisis has hit the tourism and travel industry hard. In a recent report, the UK’s Institute of Fiscal Studies states: “Tourism and leisure (excluding air travel) stands out in being one of the hardest hit industries.” While some are quick to predict the end of tourism as we know it thanks to ...

By |August 13th, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus news|

Turning testing into a positive experience

Testing can be regarded as a classic grudge purchase. We accept that, sadly, none of our customers leap out of bed in a morning, excited about putting their software under our microscope! That’s why we’re committed to making app and website testing as painless and positive an experience as possible, whether you involve us in ...

By |August 6th, 2020|Categories: Quality Assurance|

Website Wars: Google Hangouts vs Zoom vs Microsoft Teams

Can you remember what it was like to sit down and talk to someone, face-to-face? For many of us, 3D interactions are a distant memory as we’re consigned to communicating and collaborating with our colleagues, friends and family through a 2D screen. For the world’s video conferencing platforms, this has been a golden age ...

By |July 20th, 2020|Categories: Website wars|

Why you should invest in digital accessibility

There are three key considerations when deciding if you should invest in digital accessibility. These are the legal implications, maximising conversions from disabled users and of course, the benefit to the brand of being a moral company that cares. Legal ramifications With a number of high profile litigation cases against companies over the last ...

By |July 10th, 2020|Categories: Accessibility testing|