

How to improve software quality by building a Digital Immune System

Recognised as a top strategic trend for 2023 by Gartner, Digital Immune System technology is revolutionising software system design. According to Gartner's report, 'Improve Software Quality by Building Digital Immunity', traditional testing methods are often too slow to deliver innovation and respond to defects swiftly. Download the report here to explore how to enhance ...

Look internationally & increase payment options to recession proof your ecommerce website

In the final blog, part of the series on 7 practical ways to recession-proof an ecommerce website, we take a look at strategy 6: Looking internationally & Strategy 7: Increased payment options. If you missed the last 5, check out the blog series here: Make your Agile ‘agile’ Reduce internal costs Focus on mCommerce Customer ...

Recession proof your ecommerce website – Strategy 5: Getting to know your customers

As part of the 7-part series on how to prepare your ecommerce website for the recession, this week we explore strategy 5: Getting to know your customers. If you missed the last 4 suggested strategies, here are the links: Make your Agile ‘agile’ Reduce internal costs Focus on mCommerce Customer insight from analytics Strategy ...

Recession proof your ecommerce website – Strategy 4: Customer insight from analytics

Just as the economic forecast shows further signs of consistent decline in 2023, this week we delve into strategy 4 for ecommerce professionals looking for practical ways to recession-proof their ecommerce business. If you missed the last 3 suggestions in the blog series 'Recession proof your ecommerce website', you can catch up here: Strategy 1: ...

Recession proof your ecommerce website – Strategy 3: Focus on mCommerce

As part of Digivante’s 7-part blog series on how to ‘Recession proof your ecommerce website’, this week we take a look at strategy 3 for ecommerce websites wanting to beat the recession and come out on top. If you missed strategy 1 and 2, check them out here: Strategy 1: Make your Agile ‘agile’ Strategy ...

Recession proof your ecommerce website – Strategy 2: Reduce internal costs

We’re seeing first-hand how the economic downturn is now really starting to take a toll on ecommerce business and for this reason Digivante have put together a blog series on how you can recession proof your ecommerce site with QA. Last week we explored strategy 1 - Make your Agile ‘agile’ and this week ...